Saturday, November 20, 2004

Rainy Days

Alot of people don't like the rain, but I love rainy days that I get to spend curled up with a movie or a book, or stepping through puddles on the way to meet a friend for coffee (okay ... let's back up here. Do I drink coffee? No. I haven't even tasted it. Okay, that's not true - I tasted it last week. I told a friend that I had never tasted coffee, and I was then forced to take a sip. And there's a reason I don't drink coffee - it's gross. It really is. So (and I digress) the point here is that it's such a cliche to say 'I'm going out for coffee', when in fact - I don't go out for coffee. I might drink tea on a day like this, but not usually. So why do I use the phrase? I feel like I identify with the type of crowd that might go out for coffee... the people that you would expect to be going out for coffee. That's my space in this subdivided universe. I just wish that someone could help me to like the stuff)

Okay - original point. It's rainy and foggy and chilly out, but I love to be inside knowing that the world can stop for the day, and slow down. I went to see a show with Brandon and Karen (well, Karen and her friend happened to be there as well, but we all sat together) and liked meeting up in the lobby afterwords and pulling our hoods up for the walk home. I like that we were warm and dry in a theatre while it was miserable outside. I don't like to be freezing cold. But I like 'weather' - rain, snow. Things falling from the sky in general. It's romantic. Have I ever had a romantic moment in the rain? Once maybe, in grade 8, when I walked back to Mikes house in the rain, holding his hand and thinking that I had died and went to heaven. But in general, the rain hasn't proven itself to me. It's just always got this promise that something REALLY ROMANTIC could happen at any point. No, not just because I saw the Notebook (although that was really sexy), but just in general. I like it, and I like the way it makes me feel.

I'm like a magician, I don't give away any of my secrets. The things that are going on in my head right now are so undescribable, even to myself, that I think it's best to leave them off the 'net. I'm a bit of a mess (in a good way) with choices and deadlines and monotony, and I need to start getting back on track and straightening things out. First, though, a short nap might be in order? I work walkhome tonight from 6-10, and I'm exhausted already.

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