I Keep on Falling
No, not the famous Alicia Keys intro that every American Idol hopefull belts out in front of Simon, Paula and Randy. I keep on falling farther and farther away from my responsibilities, and thus farther away from living a life that resembles normalcy. I have assignments due that I can't even begin to think about right now. I've missed 3 musical theatre classes in a row, because I'm taking naps and not waking up to my alarm. I have spent 35 hours in the last week marking costume assignments, when I should have been preparing assignments of my own. The worst part? The assignments were due today, and I couldn't get them done. And instead of Judy saying 'no problem Bri, get them to me tomorrow", she said "Just give me the rest, and I'll do them". What she doesn't understand is that I can get them done if I just had one more day - one more evening to work on them. I'll be at theo until 6:30 tonight anyway, so when will I have a chance to go home and get them? I work walkhome from 10-2 - I'm going to try to get about 20 done from 7-9:30, and the other 20 done from 2-3:30am. Tomorrow, I have rehearsal for my 313 show (I'll have to make cue cards), and I'll hand the costume assignments in to Judy then. I have my 313 presentation, my 216 presentation, my 301 essay, two 301 journals (one of which was due this morning), an Art History paper, Performance Analysis marking, and TA marking for my class, to get their winter marks in on time, and I'm working Walkhome on Friday AND Saturday ... and going to see Hairspray on Saturday night. How did it get to be so busy? Why am I so off track? Even if I work my butt off tonight, there is no way that I'm going to bed before 4am, and my rehearsal tomorrow starts at 10am (until 1pm ish?), at which point I'm going to work on writing songs for my musical theatre class. I have to get out of this dream world and put my feet back on the ground so that I can maintain my 80 average, and get my butt into Grad School.
What's wrong with me? Why do I feel so overwhelmed and exhausted? I am scared to come into Theo, because there are so many teachers who's classes I've slept through in the past few days, that I can't even stand the thought of it. I guess we'll see how things turn out. Part of me doesn't even want to know.
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