An Amazing Discovery
I have found the COOLEST website. Head over to, and type in the name of your favorite musical artist. Go ahead, try it. The website will start streaming songs for you to listen to, which are similar in quality to the artist you love. You can tell them "yes, this is great!" or "no, this isn't what I had in mind", and they'll adjust the stream accordingly.
For example, I typed in Oasis, one of my favorite bands. The Oasis "station" began with Pearl Jam's "I Got ID", followed by the Verve "Slide Away", Blind Melon "Paper Scratcher" and The Kings of Leon "The Bucket". I heard a song or two that I didn't like as much (can anyone say Fugazi?) and they took them out of the station and played songs more similar to ones that I told them I liked.
It plays the whole song, top quality, and gives you the chance to buy the song on itunes. The whole set up is free, and you can create upto 100 different 'channels' to listen to.
I've been telling myself for a while that I should be discovering new music - this just might be the way to do it.
Yeah it is pretty cool! I can't wait until they allow non-U.S. citizens to sign up too :(
Fugazi RULES. :D
use the zip code 94903 ... it's my cousin's :D
Just use 90210 (heh)... it worked for my friends ;) Go Brenda Walsh! Yay, Dylan!
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