Monday, March 13, 2006

The Miniscule and the Mundane

I have two things to say. Firstly, if you're a fan of the Toronto Subway system, have ever ridden it or are even remotely familiar with it, check out this site. It's silly, but it made me laugh at 2 in the morning, so it deserves a mention. If your parents work for the TTC, they may be tickled to know that it was banned from general consumption ... for what reason? I don't pretend to know. Anagrams, while geeky, don't seem to dangerous to me.

Secondly ... well, I dunno. I just got a long email from one of my best friends from childhood and I want to say that nothing feels better than being remembered, noticed or loved. Maybe even all three. The best things we can all do for each other are the ones that cost nothing; take time to thank someone that made your day easier. Give the one you love your actual, full attention. Mail a handwritten letter to a friend to let them know you think they're great. It doesn't seem insurmountable to make the world a better place, with such small gestures. I truly believe it's possible.

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