The Academy Awards, by the Numbers
During the 78th Academy Awards:
Number of Jokes about Tom Cruise or Scientology: 1
Number of Times a Winner Walks the Wrong Way After Accepting an Award: 3
Number of Gay Cowboy Jokes: 3
Number of Gay Cowboy Montages: 1
Number of Gay Cowboys to Win an Oscar: 0 (not counting the possibility of George Cloony being a flaming homosexual)
Number of Jokes About Dick Cheney Shooting Someone: 1
Number of Dogs Thanked in Acceptance Speeches: 1 (Hooch, from Turner and Hooch)
Number of Oscars Wearing Matching Bowties: 2 (The winners for Wallace and Grommit)
Number of Stuffed Penguins Making an Appearance Onstage: 4
Number of Times Someone Refers to How Heavy the Statue Is: 2
Number of Times Jack Nickelson Grins: 6
Most Embarassing Presenter: Ben Stiller in a green unitard that clearly displayed the outline of his weiner
Best Comment By Steve: "And now, Charlize Thereon, wearing a bow that could swallow a whale"
Number of Awkward Jewish Jokes Made By Jon Stewart: 3
And there it is folks. "Crash" may have taken home the big honours, but I kept the REAL count. And honestly, it made the whole 3 and a half hour ordeal a lot more interesting to watch.
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