An Update on my Vital Stats
1. What color pants are you wearing right now? pink PJ pants with sheep on them
2. What are you listening to right now? Live Forever by Oasis
3. Last person you talked to on the phone? Steve, which isn't unusual
4. Favorite drink? I am absolutly addicted to Nestea. I drink it the way that some people shoot up.
Alcoholic? Tequila Rosee
5. # of siblings? This is a bit ambiguous. I have a brother (Regan, 19) and two sisters (Jessica and Hannah, 11 and 9). I might also be gaining a stepsister who's 15, but I don't remember her name.
6. Favorite month? December. I really love the holidays.
7. Favorite food? Caesar salad
8. Favorite day of the year? I love the last day of school (a leftover sentiment from my high school days). There is no better feeling than to know that you've completed something.
9. Favorite car? 1995 Volkswagon Cabrio, baby blue. But when I'm older I want to drive a Saab or a Volvo. Like, I've given this a lot of thought.
10. Can you juggle? I actually had to do a unit on juggling in my program ... kind of cheapens my degree, doesn't it?
11. Would you rather read or watch TV? I'd rather read. I'll read anything I can get my hands on.
12. As a homemaker, what job do you hate the most? Taking out the garbage. I hate garbage, I hate having garbage juice on the floor, and I hate when you tie up the bag and a blast of garbage air hits you in the face. It makes me want to cry just thinking about it. FYI Alana - laundry is one of my favorite chores to do (right after mopping!)
13. Do you trust the current president enough to re-elect him? Ha. After the election this year, Steve and I made a pact to hide in our rooms until November 2008
14. What time do you get up? As late as possible. I'll get up for class if I have to, but my body usually wants to sleep until about 11:30 in the morning (can anyone suggest a good career that can accomodate this?)
15. Gold or silver? silver
16. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Coach Carter. But I'm dying, seriously, to see the Aviator and Closer.
17. What are your favorite TV shows? The OC, Curb your Enthusiasm, Desperate Housewives
18. What did you have for breakfast? Plain Raisin bagel, toasted, from the Common Ground with a Nestea. I used to get one every morning in the summer, and Gabbie would call it 'The Bri"
19. Who would you hate to be stuck in a room with? Nahri's korean alarm clock that we used in first year. The duck would quack, and then this horrid anime music would blare while it quacked and opened it's mechanical beak in time to the song. I can't even describe it.
20. What inspires you? Music, to every degree. Writing and receiving cards. My brother and sisters.
21. What is your middle name? Marie (as in, Brianna "insert 80s filler name here" Johnson)
22. Beach, city or country? Beach. When I walk along the coast in BC, I feel like I could disappear into the waves - it's literally awesome.
23. Favorite ice cream flavor? Rainbow Sorbet
24. Butter, plain or salted popcorn? a bit of butter, a bit of salt, nice and hot :D
25. Favorite color? Red
26. What kind of car do you drive? In high school I drove a 1982 toyota tercel named Tarzan. I used to race my best friend Kerry-Anne in her 1991 Oldsmobile. Sweeeet.
27. Favorite sandwich? Peanut butter and banana, or toasted cucumber (like, just bread and cucumbers)
28. What characteristics do you dislike? the "fake" popular (when people are just really insecure), people who are really bad listeners (the classic, "I know JUST how you feel - when that happened to me ...")
29. Favorite flower? tulips and daffodils and hydgrengas ... please don't make me choose!
30. If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go? 53 Ted Reeve Drive. South America would be a close second.
31. What color is your bathroom? Daphne Dean's classic tan
32. Favorite brand of clothing? JCrew, by far. I drool when the catalogue comes, imagining myself in preppy khakis and bright coloured blazers. I also like Billabong, for their amazing hoodies.
33. Where would you retire to? An island off the coast of BC, where I could run a bed and breakfast
34. Favorite day of the week? Saturday morning. I never have a care in the world.
35. What did you do for your last birthday? I downplayed it :(
36. Where were you born? at the Holy Cross Hospital in Calgary, Alberta
37. Favorite sport to watch? Ohh, hard question. hockey for sure, and football. I love watching soccer when it's on, and volleyball (which is even more rare)
38. Who do you least expect to send this back? Hmmm... well, I'd venture to say no one!
39. What fabric detergent do you use? Tide, and I always put too much in cause I feel like it'll make my clothes "cleaner"
40. Person you expect to send it back first? I already got it from CJ!
41. Coke or Pepsi? Cola is the smoking of the future - right now, we think it's doing nothing to our bodies, but pretty soon people are going to start realizing how gross it is. That being said, Pepsi :P
42. Morning person or a night owl? Night Owl. I'm a wreck before noon.
43. What size shoe do you wear? 7.5
44. What do you most like to hear? Rain, piano music, my sister's laughter, the words "I love you"
45. What do you least like to hear? My alarm clock. It kills me.
46. What profession would you like to have if you did not have your own? I'd love to run a restaurant, act in art-house movies, coach professional soccer, be a professor at a really beautiful school and be a mom to a big and loving family.
47. What profession would you least like to do? I'm not meant for a desk job - I just can't do it.
48 What is your favorite word? Celestial. It makes me feel like I'm flying.
49. What is your least favorite word? I hate sex slang ,,, it makes me want to cry.
50. What is your favorite swear word? bitch - I use it in every conversation I have with both my mom and Alana, I think
51. What is your favorite candy? Wine Gums
52. What is your favorite restaurant? The Keg. I dream about it while eating macaroni and cheese or cereal for dinner
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