Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Raindrops keep falling on my head

When you first meet someone, you form a one-dimensional impression of the person that they are. As the relationship progresses, and you get to know them more and more, things become more complex. You learn that the way someone acts on the outside isn't necessarily the way they feel on the inside. People move on a continuum of highs and lows, and you begin to understand the different shades of their personalities. Instead of just knowing the person at their best, you also start to know their fears and their confusions and what's important to them.

It's like looking at a painting. The Postal Service sings that "everything looks perfect from far away", and I am inclined to agree. From a distance, a work of art looks perfect, and when you know someone on a casual basis, it's easy to see them in the same way. But when you get close to someone, or close to a painting, for that matter, you begin to notice the scratches and cracks and eraser marks. Things are not as perfect as you thought they were. What's really cool is that instead of being turned off, however, you are more intruiged. You want to look closer and to know more.

The idea that someone is as human, as dynamic and as flawed as you are is the most interesting thing in the world.

What is even more beautiful, or I guess what I am really sucked in about is the idea that because of the cracks and eraser marks and imperfections (not in spite of them), someone can become perfect in your eyes. It would be really great if everyone could take the time to understand one another, and then accept them and love them because of what they found.

Its raining today, and I feel like curling up with someone and sharing secrets and a blanket. But there are assignments to be done and laundry to be washed and weekends to plan - so I'll put my hood up and brave it. I just thought I would share this note while it was on my mind.

1 comment:

Brianna said...

- for the record, you were always imperfectly perfect to me.

B "If there's a prize for rotton judgment" Johnson :P