Sunday, October 01, 2006

I Believe in Ghosts ... Seriously

It's after midnight. I was scanning through the TV listings a few minutes ago and came across a show called "Most Haunted". Now I can't stop watching it and it was the worst idea I've had in a long time. This group of british people in a blair-witch-esque documentary are hunting the ghost of Wilmina in a really old castle in England and it's really genuinely scaring me. They're doing all this night-vision filming and they're all genuinely terrified of what they're finding. They caught ON CAMERA a door slamming shut and I screamed out loud. One of the ghost hunters looked at the camera and said "this is bloody scary shit, isn't it". Great. I'm home alone with the ghost hunters. I'm never going to get to sleep.

I better go. I don't want to miss it if Wilmena shows herself. It's so awful and so scary that I can't stop watching.

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