Flames 4 Leafs 5 (OT) - LIVE!
Going to Calgary Flames games used to be a totally common night out for me. In the 90s, the Flames were a mediocre team and tickets were easy to get and more affordable than paying to go to a movie. But after I moved to Ontario to go to university, I didn't get the chance to see the Flames play for a long, long time. The most recent game I saw was in March of 2001. Last night, I got a chance to see them again. Does this situation call for face paint? I think it does! You'll notice that I'm dating a hardcore Maple Leafs fan. You'll also notice that he didn't have either a "Conference Champions" flag OR face paint on. You will ALSO notice that he's a bit of a hater. I love him anyway. Go Steve Go.The best part of the night was that my housemate Kelsey (seen below) is ALSO from Calgary, and her boyfriend Bill is (like Steve) a fan of the Leafs. We all got together before the game for dinner and Kels and I got a chance to take some pro-Calgary pictures (we call our house "Little Calgary"!)
The Flames didn't win - but they played a fantastic game and showed a lot of the grit and speed that make them so exciting to watch. I loved going to the game. The best part was seeing the hundreds of Flames fans that live in Toronto. It wasn't necessarily like the "Sea of Red" that the Saddledome is famous for (I didn't take this picture, but it's awesome!) ...But it was exciting to hear an audible buzz in the ACC every time the Flames scored. It was a fantastic night, and Steve didn't even rub it in. Go Flames Go!
1 comment:
I still liked the part when you asked me if I had a Toronto Maple Leafs Western Conference Champions flag...and I answered, "No, because the Maple Leafs are in the Eastern Conference." That was good. ;) (And I still haven't rubbed it in...I deserve major props for this!)
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