Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Would the Real Me Please Stand Up?

And now, the information you've all been patiently awaiting: according to www.howmanyofme.com, there are 170 females in the US who are named Brianna Johnson.

It makes me feel so ... insignificant.

How many are there of you?


Cest Moi - Steph said...

There are 3,726 people in the U.S. named Stephanie Brown.

Liver-Paul said...

There are 157 Paul Hatcher's...I'm pretty sure I'm the coolest though...or maybe the most emo, right Bri? ;)

Anonymous said...

You think you have it bad? Only 4500 people with the name Regan Johnson...
When I read this, I felt okay... then I scrolled down the page a little more, and came to the point that read as follow...
More than 99.9 percent of people with the first name Regan are female.

Oh great... now I am having identity issues, and subscribed to 10 years of Châtelaine and Cosmopolitan... send help.

Anonymous said...

My name is Brianna Johnson too and if you think about it 170 out of millions of people in the world isn't too bad. No Brianna Johnson is exactly the same...if you think about it that way it sounds better! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi your website is cute
Take a look at this funny emo song: