Love is in the Air
My romantic astrological forcast for tomorrow is as follows:
"Your relationship is quite romantic, but it may not conform to other, more conventional ideas of moonlight, roses and violin music. So be it. You know that your connection isn't run-of-the-mill -- it's extraordinary."
So be it indeed. I can't help but to agree wholeheartedly - whether or not I always like it. So in honour of my not-romantic-yet-extraordinary relationship with my not-romantic-yet-always-unconventional-boyfriend, I've decided to post a little photo stream that I like to call
"The Many Faces of Steve Johns"

I have no comments except that I love my boyfriend very much; clearly evident by the hundreds of stupid photos I have of him stored on my computer.
Bri, I began a presentation in OAC English on astrology with the preface, "First, I don't believe in any of this crap." So that's the approach I take towards horoscopes. That having been said, those are some Wall-of-Shame-worthy pictures of Mr. Johns - some great entertainment value. So, thanks. No, this comment does not make much sense. :)
That picture with the snake is a masterpiece; I won't go so far as to claim it's the equal of Paul with the giraffe head, but it's at least a rival. I'm a joke.
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