A Life Less Ordinary
It's amazing how content I have been lately with ordinary. My days are perfectly ordinary; I catch the street car at 8:30, do some work until about 5, go home, do laundry, watch TV, talk to Steve, head to bed. I'm not bored. I'm not stuck in a rut. I'm just doing what I'm doing.
When I was younger, I used to write my goals for the year on the last page of my diary, carefully folding it over and writing "for my eyes only" on the back. My goals were simple. At 12, I wanted to do a good back handspring, keep my bedroom clean and kiss Adam Ford. At 16, I wanted to get the best marks in my grade. Last year, my goal was to get into my B.Ed program.
Right now? Nothing. That's what makes it so ordinary. I actually don't really have any goals, other than "have clean underwear" and "pack lunch for tomorrow". Like, seriously - I'm in a self-improvement lull. But it's no so bad. Maybe I like being me just the way I am right now. How often can we say that? "I am perfectly happy with myself in every respect". Everyone is always trying to be younger, faster, sexier (well, okay - of COURSE I'd like to be sexier), better better better. There's not a lot of peace in that. So here I am, saying that I am trying VERY HARD to be happy with my ordinary life.
In other news, I blew up the staff room microwave this morning. I thought I would nuke a couple of those mini peanut butter packets so that they would spread all warm over my toast. But instead, I caused an explosion so intense that it forced the microwave door OFF. It was just before lunch, too. Everyone had to walk to the other building to heat up their leftovers. So yeah, you could say that it's been an interesting day.
Life is simple. Simple is good. I have a clean room, beautiful weather, a good job, a smart boyfriend, a cool set of rollerblades.
(ADDENDUM: I just went catalogue shopping for office supplies, again. This good mood, therefore, may be totally elevated by the fact that I just bought 8 felt-tipped pens for myself. By 6pm, I could be a grouch again ... not that I'm ever a grouch)
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