Friday, June 17, 2005

a note on setlists

Last night, U2 played "All I Want is You" for the first time since August of last year (or, in laymen's terms, the first time on the Vertigo Tour). This means that MOST of the best U2 songs have now appeared somewhere on this tour (although Hold Me Thrill Me is potentially NOT going to make an appearence) So here's what I hope for the Toronto show -and it's not really too much to ask- just in case a valued member of the band happens to stumble upon my blog whilst they're googling themselves:

Dear Bono, The Edge and esteemed company,

Please play the following, in any order:

- Original of Species
- Who's Gonna Run Your Wild Horses
- All I Want is You
- Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me
- The Ground Beneath her Feet
- One
- '40'

Thanks in advance,
Love your fan
Bri Johnson

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