Friday, June 17, 2005

comments on an action movie from a big-hearted romantic

Quote of the day, for those who are interested (not said by me, unfortunatly): "I'm an optimist. You're like Santa Claus on Disneyland ... getting laid"

I know that I've been writing too much lately about the restaurant, which is understandable once you consider the fact that all I ever do is sleep and act as the corporation of Lonestar's personal bitch. And I'll gladly beg for more, in that 'lick kitchen slop off the floor' kind of way. It's been an interesting experience and it blows my mind to think that the summer is soon going to be half over (I was hired in the middle of April, and am leaving the last week of august). I *need* this job - I need money in the worst way, and have gone to such lengths as willingly closing the restuarant even when I'm not scheduled to, just to pick up the extra 20 bucks.

I started talking about Lonestar only to point out that I talk about them TOO much .. but I have one more interesting point to make. I have a manager (one of 6) who genuinely doesn't like me. She sometimes stands 10 feet away from me during my shifts, looking for things that I may have done wrong. I'm not gonna mention her name, but she's SO NICE to everyone else while I just get the sneer and I almost find it comical. This afternoon, one of my jobs was to clean out all of the but stops and ash bins with a small shovel. Which was lost. When I brought it to her attention, she looked at me, sneered and said "Just use your hands".

Mmmmmmmmmm ... rancid cigarettes.

And I'm done complaining. What this entry was SUPPOSED to be about was some brief thoughts on the movie I saw last night, the long awaited "did-they-or-didn't-they" Angelina Jolie and Bradd Pitt blockbuster 'Mr. and Mrs. Smith". But now I'm kind of not in the mood. My fingers smell like fajitas, I'm getting up in 5 and a half hours to catch a bus to Toronto (I CAN'T WAIT!), and my thoughts on things like movies are usually biased and horribly constructed at best. I'll just say this: as cliche as it felt at times, the movie was 2 things. One: smart. Two: sexy. I had FUN watching it - I loved the way that the typical suburban marriage was underwritten with death threats, knife throwing and sexual innuendos about big guns. The writing was sharp, the infamous sex scene was so hot I almost had to take off my sweater and the premise was layered enough to keep a nerd like me totally engaged. Worth the 7.95? For sure. And with all the lousy movies I've seen lately, that's enough for me.

Next up, reviews of the long awaited Oasis/Jet and Sleater-Kinney concerts that Steve and I are going to this weekend, and a bit of catch up on a bunch of stuff I've been meaning to jot down. For now, I've got to pack, sleep and get myself to toronto in the morning in one piece.

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