Deal Breakers
In a new book called "Deal Breakers - When Does Mr. Right Become Mr. Not-On-Your-Life?", two female authors explore the types of situations, or the 'breaking points' that cause women to break up with the so-called loves of their lives. An interesting read, although I only managed to do a cursory flip-through while browsing in Chapters last night. Here's what I found fascinating:
72% of engaged women agreed that the discovery that your fiancee is still close friends with one of his ex-girlfriends and emails her on a regular basis on a regular basis would be grounds for dismissal.
only 30% of engaged women would break up with their fiancee if they discovered that he had been involved in a one night stand in the first three months of their relationship.
Now, I'm not one to say what is and is not a so-called 'deal breaker', but I'd be willing to wager money that if Steve was still friends with Bridget, it would probably make me happy that he was able to continue a platonic relationship with someone he used to care about. This says good thing about his character, no? But if he f***ed a girl while he was supposed to be in love with me? Call me the minority but that would be a deal-breaker for me.
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