Monday, May 02, 2005


Besides from being my nickname in high school, febreeze is the god-loving stuff that really works. Every day after my shift, I take my uniform down to the basement, hang it from one of the water pipes and spray the hell out of it. The next morning, it's clean, softly scented and retains no fajita residue. No, seriously - I come home every day smelling like a mexican border jumper.

I was spraying last night, and was reminded about another Febreeze incident. When my soccer team and I used to travel to tournements, we would often play three games a day and wouldn't have time to clean our uniforms between matches. And we weren't girlie soccer try hards - we sweat, got really dirty, and smelled like a boys changeroom after every game. Especially when it was raining outside. So we would all pile into one hotel room, lay out our socks and kits, and take turns febreezing them and sticking hairdryers inside to try to dry them off for the next game. It's funny what kind of random memories you hang on to, hey? I haven't thought about soccer tournements in years.

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