Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Magnetic Poetry

So I couldn't sleep, for whatever reason. I guess cleaning my house and organizing all of my papers got me on a real high. And then I thought to myself at midnight, "you know what I haven't pulled out in a long time? My magnetic poetry"

I've got 4 of the kids, which roughly equals 1000 words ... enough to fill a small dictionary, if I was so inclined. I have a big magnetic board on one side of my desk that is perfect for housing the words and giving me some space for creative thinking ... and an hour later, my first poem is done!Meaningless? Maybe. Fun? Absolutely. It only takes seconds (literally, like 30 seconds) to write something and feel like a total poetic star. Hopefully (*hopefully*) I'll write one every couple of days to post here, as long as the mood strikes me.

Okay - now it's really time for bed :)

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