Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Home is where the heart is

Today was mundane in every way except one: I woke up according to the long-distance persuasion of my boyfriend, worked a woefully normal work day consisting of me spending as much time as possible becoming acquainted with the 2005-2006 Calgary Flames roster while still appearing to be 'working' (the key is to always have an excel spreadsheet up that I can switch to when someone walks by my cubicle), I ate a normal lunch and wrote normal emails to friends instead of working on the database that I'm supposed to be formulating values for.

But something worth mentioning happened, and for the first time I feel as though things are finally falling in to place. Today, Michael P. J. Jones and I got a house. Which is both the most random and most logical situation I could ever imagine for myself. Today I feel like I finally have roots in Toronto. I have a small, clean, inexpensive corner of the Annex to call my own, and suddenly everything feels right again. So before I move there and my idealism is tempered by malfunctioning toilets and closets overrun with spiders (if there are even closets at all) and a serious lack of counter space (all of the things that you say "no big deal" about when your house hunting, not realizing just what a big deal they are), I just want to say that I am truly grateful to have this place. I'll be 10 minutes from school, 15 minutes from the subway, and on a beautiful tree-lined street, right downtown. Today I feel like it's finally the start.

I'm also grateful for:

  • getting a full 8.5 hours of sleep last night to combat my travel weariness
  • the bridge traffic being suspiciously less than it normally is on a week day afternoon, meaning that I arrived home in an unprecedented 43 minutes
  • The Jerry Maguire soundtrack, proving itself to be a classic and keeping me company on two rounds through my CD player
  • Finding gas that was 94.5 cents a litre
  • Being able to tell the truth about something that was causing me a lot of anxiety and worry, and knowing that I could trust someone completely with things that were important and sensitive for me

Only 18 days of work left, in case anyone was counting. Toronto, here I come!

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