what time is it? 9:25 am
full name: Brianna Marie Johnson (and on a side note, a boyfriend in grade 8 once copied out a sonnet for me, and addressed it to Brianna Murrey Johnson)
age: 22
height: 5’4
weight: 137 lbs
eye color: Grey
hair color: Brown
skin color: Light
birthday: July 15, 1983
birthstone/sign: Ruby/Cancer
makeup or none?: It’s nice to look pretty, but I can survive without my lip gloss and mascara. When I was playing soccer in high school, I *never* wore make up
nationality: Canadian
school: Even though Queen’s still feels like home, I’m about to start my Masters degree at the University of Toronto
devil or angel: I would like a bit more devil in me, but I’m generally all good
confrontational or let things slide: Let things slide. I’d rather bottle something up than risk hurting someone’s feelings
introverted or extroverted: Extroverted, with a strong need for alone time
aloof or concentrated: I don’t think I would ever choose either of these words for myself, but if I have to, I guess concentrated is the lesser of the two evils
are you one to take things seriously: If it’s necessary
very analytical of what others say: Less so than I used to be
do you think before you act: I’m impulsive in an “act now, consider the consequences later” sort of way
serious or comedic: both have their place and time
selfish or selfless: Selfless
do you consider yourself to be honest? I try really hard to be. Lying makes me feel sick inside.
describe yourself: Sunny, cheerful, optimistic, athletic; I wear my heart on my sleeve. Love animals, hoodies and hugs. I care a lot about family and having a place that feels like home.
how does your girlfriend/boyfriend feel about you?: Steve thinks that I have a big heart and a big head – he teases me a lot but I know that I’m important to him (because I make him tell me so :P)
how do you feel about yourself?: 95% of the time, I’m happy being who I am
describe your girlfriend/boyfriend?: Steve is stubborn, witty, careful to always make the right decision and is both the most intelligent and the most passionate person I’ve ever met. He has a really strong sense of self, and an exterior that doesn’t always betray how sensitive he is inside. In short, I’m absolutely fascinated (and often confused) by him
what would you rather be doing?: Curling up with my stuffed animal fat guts and taking a nap
describe where you live?: My home city always seems to be changing. Right now I’m living in Vancouver, one of my favorite places in the world. Everywhere I go, it’s green, green, green – and what’s not to love about the ocean?
describe how you love?: Easily and completely. My boyfriend would probably say that I love with too much heart and not enough head.
have a good sense of humor?: I have my own sense of humor (and Alana is the only one who gets it)
what did you have for breakfast this morning?: a pear. I was in a rush, and now my stomach is grumbly
what are you looking forward to?: Being finished with my job, moving to Toronto and finally being in the same city as Steve after spending 9 months in an LD relationshipany
major flaws?: Nothing that makes me so broken that I can’t be fixed!
movie: Moulin Rouge, Sleepless in Seattle, Bend it Like Beckham, Shakespeare in Love, Big, Rain Man
television show: Dawson’s Creek, and I’m really starting to get hooked on 24
band: Oasis, The Rolling Stones, The Kinks, U2, The Beatles
actor: Tom Hanks
actress: Reese Witherspoon
food: Caesar salad, lasagna, garlic bread, strawberry-rhubarb pie
ice cream flavor: Strawberry
song: Tom Waits/Time, Rolling Stones/Roadhouse Blues, Jeff Buckley/Hallelujah, Everclear/Santa Monica
book: The Alchemist, Tuesdays with Morrie
number: 11
color: Raspberry
store: J.Crew, the Gap
animal: Orangutan
scent: Orange Blossoms, Fresh Laundry
album: Oasis/WTSMG?, The Beatles/Sgt. Pepper, Rolling Stones/Exile on Main Street
movie soundtrack: Moulin Rouge, Forrest Gump
season: Spring
t-shirt quote: Alana has a tee shirt from Abercrombie that says “incredible view”, and I absolutely LOVE it
holiday: I adore Christmas
school subject: In high school, I loved biology and math
random thing: Old-Standard Jazz music and children’s books, and I'm obsessed with the muppets (especially kermit)
thing to do on the 'net: Read random blogs, learning for fun on encarta.com, playing mah jong with Alana on zone.com
thing to say: “Do you know what I mean?”, “I’m SENsitive!”
car: Audi A4
favorite childhood memory?: being read to by my step dad before bed at night
favorite vacation?: I haven’t been on a lot of vacations, but I always loved going to our family cabin in Manitoba during the summer
this or that_______x
pepsi/coke: Pepsi (unlike my bigamist boyfriend, who chooses not to choose!)
cat/dog: Dog (cats and I have never gotten along)
real/fake: Real … imaginary is good, but I hate the word fake. Calling something fake makes it seem like it’s not valid
lust/love: Love – but lust is infectious and fun
tv/movies: Movies. I don’t really watch a lot of TV
hug/kiss: Hug
love/be loved: Love
night/day: Day
dark/light: Light
hot/cold: I *hate* being cold
silver/gold: Silver
taking pics/pics taken: Taking pics. I always look geeky in photographs
blonde/brunette: Brunette, of course!
good/evil: Good. I don’t know if people would take me seriously if I tried to pull off evil. But naughty, on the other hand...
sweet/sour: Sweet. I always used to make my best friend suck the sour layer off of fuzzy peaches before I ate them (I know, that’s probably really gross)
dl'ing music/buying music: I have a lot of respect for the album in its original form. If I want to check out a song, I’ll download it, but I’d always rather buy
indoors/outdoors: Outdoors. I hate artificiality
left/right: Left. It seems more original
living for the moment/future: I love the idea of the future
cell phone/regular phone: Regular phone. I don’t do technology (okay, okay - I own a cell phone. But there are some times when I would prefer not to be ALWAYS in touch with people)
are you popular? I don’t think popularity really means anything. I have a lot of people in my life that I care about, though
number of close friends? Really, REALLY close? 5 or 6
friend you talk to the most? Steve (does that count?)
friend you see the least? Adam Ford
friend you see the most? Alana (and over the summer, Lisa)
friend who goes to you for advice? Paul
friend who YOU go to for advice? Adam Say, always
ever made out with a friend? Yes. Many, many times. Next question.
best friend: Adam, Alana, Marcus
funniest friend: Jon T
ditziest friend: Nahri, for sure. And I love her for it. Also, Ted – for different reasons
most unfortunate friend: Adam, for being so unfortunately geeky that I can’t help but to love him
smartest friend: Marcus, Alex P
quietest friend: Kevin
loudest friend: Emily, Eip
longest lasting friend: Adam and Stephanie
prettiest friend: Alana!
cutest friend: my dog, Waldo
hottest friend: Steve :D
what's the worst memory of your life: When I got lost at the Calgary Stampede at 2 in the morning. Throwing up on the soccer field during the provincial championships. Various memories to do with my dad that are too complicated to get in to
do you have any siblings: A brother, Regan (20) and two sisters, Jessica (12) and Hannah (9)
the funniest or most disgusting thing you had to do in a game of truth or dare: Eat a raw potato, start a conversation with a prostitute, skinny dip in a public lake (I REALLY hope my mom doesn’t read this)
do you like your name: No … too ‘80s’
what are your favorite boys/girls names: Avery, Madeleine, Lise / Benjamin, Sebastian, Oliver
when you dream, do you see yourself, or do you see through your own eyes: I see through my own eyes
do you have any phobias: snakes and needles
does glitter make you sick: I occasionally indulge in glitter :D
do you consider yourself to be a very sexual person: I consider myself to be healthy and happy in the sexual department, but I don't think I'm in the extreme range
what kind of shampoo / conditioner do you use: Pantene
what kind of body wash do you use: Oil of Olay
do you consider yourself to be spoiled: No, but sometimes I desperately wish I was, because it seems so much nicer than being scared about money (isn’t that horrible?)
what is your religion? I’m not sure, actually. I haven’t really settled anywhere and I’m not even sure if I want to
are you a big music freak: I love music
do you believe in love at first sight: In a way; I think that when you meet someone that you eventually fall in love with, you instinctively know that there’s something special about them
do you believe love can only happen once in a lifetime: No, and I don’t think that there’s one soul mate for every person. You can love a lot of people in a lot of different ways
do you believe in evolution: Of course – I’m a science girl
is there anything you really hate: Mean girls. I’m so intimidated by them
what are your views on plastic surgery: I think wrinkles and imperfections are what make people beautiful, although I might think differently when I’m 50
what are your views on drugs and alcohol: I don’t like how they make me feel and act, but I’m pretty tolerant in other people; if it doesn’t affect me, I don’t care
are you down with the spongebob craze: I’m REALLY resistant to crazes. I like to find my own thing
do you have any collections: I collect ugly key chains and am so proud of them
name a place you visit often: San Francisco, Calgary
do you think you're hot: I think I’m … nice. And approachable. But not hot, exactly
do you have any piercings: 2 holes in each ear
do you want any piercings: My belly-button, if I get skinny enough
what are your views on piercings: Not very attractive, as a rule
do you have a tattoo: No
do you want one or another one: I was actually giving it serious consideration – I’d want to get a 4-leaf clover somewhere discreet. It’s cool to think that your body is different than anyone one else’s because of a tattoo. The originality factor is great
share a few words of wisdom?: seek first to understand. If you can choose calm, be calm. If you can choose love, do so.
how often do you spend time online: I’m online whenever I’m bored and feel like bumming around. And since I’m in a long distance relationship, msn is our lifeblood
do you get along with your parents: My mom is my closest ally, and I’m starting to get to know my dad better, after a rough time when I was younger
how was your childhood: Average – ups and downs, but I was generally happy and involved
pets?: Dog (Waldo) and a boyfriend named Steve :P
feeling on politics: I waiver between right and left wing, depending on the issue
like hippies?: Love ’em
like thugs?: Don’t understand ‘em
like Punk rockers?: Real, genuine punk rockers (think NOT Avril) I have a lot of respect for. Pesudo-punks get on my nerves
like hXcers?: Whaaa?
like metal heads?: I’m a bit scared of them, but they always turn out to be really nice
like ravers?: Ravers are SO much cooler than I’ll ever be
like posers: Who likes posers? Nobody, I don’t think.
like goths: Nah – I can’t take them seriously
like hicks?: No, but they are generally the butt of my jokes with my ex-boyfriend, who lives in Tennessee
like racist people: No ... and I also don't like koreans ;)
like preps: Not ones that don’t seem comfortable with it
are you a virgin: No. Definitely not.
how's the weather?: Warm, but my office air-conditioning makes me feel like it’s a balmy 12 degrees below, day in and day out
do you like living: of course I do!
what do you want to be: a mother, a wife, a contributor, a listener, a friend, a role model
how was your day: I was awoken by the always pleasant boyfriend, sternly commanding “Heed, wake up” – so, it was usual. Thanks for asking.
what are you wearing: Office outfit – green skirt, white hoodie, white tank top
doing anything later: Sleeping, hopefully
tomorrow?: More of the same. Work is nothing if not monotonous
ever try to commit suicide: No
have you ever _______x
been in love? I've been in love, real love, twice (happily, one of these relationships is still going very, very strong)
kissed the same sex? Sure. More times than I care to admit, actually
seen your favorite band live? Some of them yes, some of them I’m still waiting on (or hoping that John Lennon will come out of hiding, and say “gotcha!”)
taken any kind of lessons? Piano, swimming, gymnastics, public speaking, soccer, art, dance, theatre
won any contests? No, but I obsessively enter any contest that I come across
cussed out your mom/dad? I called my mom a bitch yesterday, in response to her calling me a little fucker. I assume this counts
looked at the stars with a loved one? Yeah - we watched a meteor shower together, it was wild
wanted to kill someone? Only once, and I probably shouldn’t talk about it :P
hated someone? Hate is a pretty strong word
cheated on someone? Emotionally, I’ve cared about two people at once.
one, neither, or both____x
mom or dad: Mom
girl or boy: Boy!
gun or knife: neither
deaf or blind: neither, obviously
penis or vagina: :D
eyes or toes: Toes!
tongue or lip rings: Yuck
nipple or nose rings: A nose stud looks really good on some girls, but for me - neither
green or blue eyes: Blue
punk or thug: Punk!
date same or opposite sex: Opposite
first thing that comes to mind__x
fish: guts
fat: Rosie O’Donnell (Sorry, Rosie)
roast Beef: Arbys!
school: Excited
asshole: DEnnis Leary
poser: High School
slut: Sexy, in some circumstances
funk: Rhythm
drums: Animal from the muppets
dead: Poets Society
president Bush: Chimpanzee
America: Garbage
cactus: Arizona
peach: Pie