Random Adventures in Photoblogging
Random Adventures in Photoblogging
Instead of posting a long winded update and considering that, at 2:53 in the morning the night is no longer young, I'm posting some random pictures taken over the last few days. Keep in mind that I've done NOTHING interesting and have a limited number of subjects to work with in my apartment. Nonetheless, I think the following pics explain my life in Vancouver better than I would ever be able to.
Other than that, I have NOTHING to say tonight that doesn't involve closing my eyes and mumbling in a way that might be understood as "blahblahblah", or "duuuuuuh", so I'll save the intellectual garble for tomorrow, and try to net myself some sleep
One Final Note: I don't ever use the word garble ... but you wanna know who does? A boy in grade 8 who had a crush on me, and wrote a letter to me that included the line, "this emotional garble is ruining hour after hour of our happiness together". Priceless. I can't believe I used to be a catch :D
One FINAL FINAL Note: I really need to write about the football game and football in general. Hold me to it - I've got a lot on my mind.
1 comment:
Nerd Fact:
The first volume of the official history of Queen's University is subtitled "... and not to yield," a direct reference to Tennyson. One of the recurring themes in Neatby's book is the unliklihood of Queen's survival in the shadow of the larger, more established University of Toronto; that Queen's did not 'yield' to join UofT is, according to Neatby, a credit to our fair alma mater's character.
This just in: I'm a nerd.
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