How Well Do You Know Your Boyfriend?
The idea that it's possible to know someone, *really* know someone, is immensely attactive to me. I'm not the biggest fan in the world of Dr. Phil, but I found this survey on his website and I think it has a lot of merit. It's important to explore and understand the person that you love. So here, in 'public' and live online, I'm gonna see how well I know Steve. I hope, for my sake, that when he looks this one over, he'll be able to tell me that the answer is "pretty well"
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Answer the following questions as honestly as you can. Remember that you need to do this without consulting your partner. The point is to assess how aware of your partner you are now. Make this an honest appraisal.
I can name my partner's three best friends.
Ummm ... I think so! His HLP is Paul, who lives in Liverpool. His alternate HLP is Adam Say, who worked at Walkhome with us. As for #3? I would probably say it's Jamie, a really good friend of his from Thunder Bay.
I know what accomplishments my partner is most proud of.
Steve is proud of a lot of things. The three that come to mind right away are finishing his master's degree (and the awesome thesis that he wrote), beating cancer twice, and landing the senior peer advisor position for S.O.A.R at Queen's
I can identify the happiest time in my partner's life.
I'd be stupid to say that he was happiest when he fell in love with me ;). Probably when the Blue Jays won the world series, when he convocated from Queen's, and seeing Pearl Jam play the first notes of their show in Thunder Bay
I know what my partner considers to be his or her greatest losses in life.
The death of his dad's father, for sure. Perhaps the loss of a beloved left kidney, although this remains to be seen - he seems not to mind too much. I think he misses his old dog Chief, too.
I can describe what my partner considers to be his or her greatest area of difficulty in interacting with each of his parents.
Ummm - I think so. I think that both of his parents have a pretty definite idea of what track their son should be on, and it's hard for him to get them to understand that he's really happy doing what he's doing, which isn't much, right now. He needs a break, and I think that's the hardest thing for them to realize.
I know what will be probably be playing on the radio when my partner is driving somewhere.
Pearl Jam! The Who! Bruce Springsteen! NEXT
I can name the relatives that my partner would most likely try to avoid at a family reunion.
Hahahaha. All of his family are wonderful people. I don't think he actively doesn't like any of them. He's probably closer to some than others though (his dad's mom is a little bit wackers, but that's all I can think of!)
I can describe the most traumatic event that occurred in my partner's childhood.
I would say his Wilm's Tumor, definitely
My partner has clearly identified for me what he or she wants in life.Steve has clearly identified to me that he doesn't know yet what he wants in life, except that he wants to be happy and financially comfortable -- both of which are great aspirations
I can identify the obstacles that my partner believes are preventing his or her getting what he or she wants.
Money and opportunity, at the moment
I know which of my partner's physical features he or she is least happy about.
I'm pretty sure that I do.
I can recall the very first impressions I had of my partner.He was wearing shorts and a red shirt and standing behing the walkhome kiosk. I walked in from the Bagot Street doors and I can remember the whole moment in slow motion. He was tanned and I remember looking at him smiling and being totally overcome with lust - like, pure desire. He's a good looking guy! After talking for a few hours, I was hooked. I went home that night and wrote in my journal about this perfect guy I had met. I had no idea that I would be dating him almost two years later!
I know what section of the Sunday newspaper my partner is likely to turn to first.
I can describe, in some detail, the home environment in which my partner was raised.
Small town, comfortable house, only child, really caring parents, stable childhood, lots of good friends, a bit geeky but still totally likeable, lots of family around.
I know what makes my partner laugh.
Hopefully I do. But if not, the "I'm Rick James, Bitch" sketch or the Rock Lobster song (with his nerdy dance moves to go with it) never fails to make him bust a gut
I know what my partner's parents would probably say is the thing about my partner that they are most proud of.
Probably his education - my boyfriend is smart beyond belief and I know his parents are really proud of him for that. I also secretly thinks that his mom is thrilled that he's so musical, since she is too.
I can describe two or three decisions my partner made before we met that my partner now regrets — and my partner can do the same about me.
Ummm, I don't think he has a lot of regrets, but I can think of one or two. Does Steve know mine? I have NO idea.
I know which part of a restaurant menu my partner is likely to look at first.
Steve's systematic. He'll read the menu from the appetizers through to the main courses. The first thing he probably looks at is the beer!
I can quote three things my partner says to me that he or she says to no one else in this world.
1. Monkey Monkey Monkey!
2. HEED!
3. Bri-crane, bri-crane
4. It's so hard being Bri Johnson ;)
*NOTE* - I hate all of these sayings. Seriously.
I am thoroughly familiar with my partner's religious beliefs.
I think I know enough to have a fair idea of where he stands on most issues
So - how did I do?