Class that I attended the most: Drama 237/238 (acting). If you skipped, you got thrown out of the course. Talk about incentive!
Class that I attended the least: Psychology 100. I didn't go in second term. Ever.
Runners up: Art History 110, French 100, Drama 306 (Canadian theatre)
Addresses that I lived at:
1. G20 Chown Hall
2. 295B William Street
3. 41 Toronto Street
4. 132-1 Earl Street
5. 294 Barrie Street
Best A&P Snack to buy at 2:00 am for all-night study marathons: bulk peach rings
Best songs to listen to while working at a Texas Grill:
- "Prop Me Up Beside the Jukebox When I Die"
- "No Shoes, No Shirt, No Problem"
- "All My Ex's Live in Texas"
Surprise band that I am now a fan of thanks to said Texas Grill: Blue Rodeo
Best Summer Job: Head Gael (running a four day party and being paid 7000 to do it)
Worst Summer Job: Working at said Texas Grill
Amount of furniture that we fit into Alana's jeep during the summer after first year: one magiker bookshelf, three aneboda dressers and potentially a robin night table
Number of people I know, other than myself, who have pet names for their furniture: 1
Number of Flooded Basements due to Torrential Rain: 2 (oh MAN was that a mess)
Best Class: Drama 216, Musical Theatre. Most of our mark was based on a 30 minute presentation in which we were required to 'sell' a new musical. We outlined the plot, sang three songs and acted one scene. My group's choice? "Back to the Future: The Musical" (wouldn't that be cool?)
Worst Class: Canadian Studies 200. I'm not kidding - it was a beast. I didn't understand the professors, I hated the material and I hated the 3 hour night class each week. I have never had to motivate myself so much to get through anything as I did that year-long course.
Most Interesting House Memories:
- the theft of a random canoe, of the William/Aberdeen sign, of tulips from other people's gardens, of the virginities of high school students (not me, I swear!)
- Eating Nona sauce
- All nighters, puzzle parties, intentional cock-blocking, American Idol, the great Degu chase, the great garbage haul, our pet raccoon who ate popcorn
Housemates who I have heard having sex:
1. Natalie, who would moan loud enough that we would hear it over top of watching 'Friends' in the living room
2. Emily, who got such good tail that it was shaking the support beams in the basement, three floors below
3. Alana, who couldn't keep quiet (even though music was playing in her room, and in my room across the hall where I was working)
4. Josh ... did Josh ever have sex?
5. Dom, whose bed banged up against the wall that my desk was on. Apparently I wasn't the only one up at 3:00 am
Best Lines Exchanged Between Alana and I:
Alana: I'm from Oakville, I'm ignorant (first year, said to Marcus's jewish lab partner who walked into Alana's room to find us drawing a big jewish face in MS Paint on her computer, who we had named "Sol" and found a yamaka for)
Brianna: Don't worry about it ... like, no big deal, but if you have a second could you pull over? I'm about to throw up (while driving on the 401 in her dad's BMW)
House Rule that No One Followed but me: No sex in the shower
Best Restaurant meal: Woodenheads' Sorrento Pizza
Runner Up: The Copper Penny's Wild Mushroom Skillet
Best Place to feel really, really popular on a Friday night: The QP
A Bar that I've never been to: MyBar
A Restuarant I've never been to: Chien Noir
A Restaurant I've been to far too many times: Woodenheads
A Place Where Everybody Knows my Name: Send In the Clowns (the little old couple that owned the store were so nice that I couldn't help but to stop in and say hi every time I was in town)
Best Roadtrip: With Alana and Regan into Washington to try and find a crepe maker (success!)
Runner Up: With Marcus to see the Flames play the Leafs from the third row of the ACC
Runner Up: With Steve to Detroit, where I experienced both "Phantom of the Opera" and a crazy crack addict on the same day
Runner Up: The 7-hour drive into Northern BC with Marcus in order to go camping for one night (and the discovery of the Billy Goat trail)
Runner Up: To Montreal, with 400 Gaels that I was supposed to be in charge of
Best Musical Event: Seeing Hairspray with Steve and playing the "will I or won't I hold your hand" game that makes your stomach flutter and your palms sweat
Best Walkhome Partner: Steve Johns, on the 223 Nelson to Wallace Hall walk in which the conversation was entirely dominated between myself and said partner
Runner Up: Adam Say, who makes me laugh like no one else is able to that I wish the shift was twice as long
Best Orientation Memory: Too many to name! LFO night playing "Who-ah", playing touch football on the camping trip, the moment after the semi formal when I realized it was over (and couldn't stop crying), monday martinis with Lindsay Hardy
Worst Orientation Memory: Picking up our personalized, custom made and hand tailored yellow tuxedo jackets (which cost almost 1000 dollars) and realizing that the wrong names had been screened onto the back of ALL of them. I almost threw my desk chair at the print shop employee.
Best group of femininists to hang out with when I want to learn about alternatives to tampons: the cast of the Vagina Monologues (we had a mandatory menstruation WORKSHOP)
Saddest Moment: Finding out that my dog and best friend Polo had been put to sleep in Vancouver, just 1 week after I was home visiting for Frosh Week recovery
Happiest Moment: Finding out that I got Head Gael. I can't compare it to anything I've ever experienced before - I thought that my legs were going to fall out from underneath me.
Scariest Moment: Being hit by a dive-bombing bat in Theological Hall
Runner Up: When we found the ghetto bug in my closet on Toronto Street and were so scared that we called our housemate Josh in Ottawa to come and kill it for us
Roomate stolen by a Gang of Korean-Christians that I miss the most: Nahri Chi
Stolen (or "kept") article of Nahris clothing: black gap tank top
Best Nahri Memory: When she came home trashed, high and covered in vomit at 8am on the day we were supposed to move out of residence and she hadn't started packing yet
Runner Up: The moment she realized that she had purchased SO MUCH clothing since coming to Kingston that some had to be stored outside of our room in the hallway, locked in her HUGE red suitcases
Places that will always hold specific meaning to me:- The window table at Ban Righ cafeteria
- Wallace Hall (the choice study locale on campus)
- The Walkhome kiosk
- 244 Earl Street (where, in 3 years of dating one of its inhabitants, I probably slept 10 times, even though we spent every night together. Marcus's house was a HOLE)
- Jeffrey Hall (home of the Gael Interviews, and therefore 300 hours of my life)
- Tindall Field (where I watched a meteor shower with friends in first year)
- Grant Hall (home of the my Frosh Week speech)
- Traymoor Street (my place of work for almost two years with the crazy, crazy children I took care of)
- Bearance's Foods (the grocery store with the best fresh cut meats in Kingston)
Most Ironic Discovery: That current love-of-my-life Steve Johns didn't hire me for SOAR when I was in second year. In fact, he didn't even give me an interview :O
Number of boys I kissed: 3 (well - 3 that MEANT something)
Best Male Kisser: Steve Johns
Best Female Kisser: Alan the Italian Stallion (ummmm...)
Best Gay Kisser: Jon Metrick
Person I Wish I kissed: Grant Bishop
Places/People I will want to visit in 25 years: Chown Hall, the new Head Gael, Theological Hall ... I'm a simple girl, with simple pleasures!
Biggest Regret: No regrets, right? I regret that I spent first year in hiding (it sounds so cliche - 'I wish that I got involved right away'! I regret that I didn't have a real floor in first year; being on a pseudo floor made the three of us feel really lonely. I regret not trying out for the soccer team ... and god damn, if I could do it all over again, I would drag my ass out of bed and get to class. Other than that, the four years were wonderful. My whole life was wrapped up in that school and I am finding it difficult to unwravel myself and rediscover what's important to me outside the boundaries of Union and Princess, Wellington and Victoria. Four years wrapped up into one, neat little blog entry - who would have thought?