Thoughts from Adequacy
Today was alright. So far, most of the 3 weeks I've spent teaching high school drama have been alright. I'm so puzzled by it - I was really looking forward to being a drama teacher, but now I'm counting down the days until it's over. Nothing is wrong, exactly - I'm teaching in a good school, have a supportive supervisor, etc. But the kids I'm teaching aren't interested in Drama. They're not interested in challenging themselves. They have so much apathy that I'm knee deep in it and wondering, in 4 weeks, how I'm supposed to make a difference.
My supervisor has told me, "don't worry - this is just how kids are these days. They don't care about anything any more". But I can't believe that. What I do believe, is that I'm not going to make them care about anything in the 7 classes that I have left with them. I can't make them stop calling things "stupid". I can't make them get off of the floor where they lie, sleeping when they are supposed to be doing group work. I can't make them understand how theatre can change someone's experience.
All I can do is ask nicely.
So basically, I'm okay. Life is okay. I teach kids who aren't interested, come home, plan lessons and sleep as much as I can. I'm a bit depressed - I find that I don't really look forward to anything. I wake up, I get dressed. The best part of my day is when I crawl into bed and it's all nice and warm and steve curls up around me. Not that anything is bad, really. It's not. I have nothing to complain about. I also have nothing to blog about - hence my real lack of updates.
I'll be back in better spirits in a week and three days, I promise. Until then, wish me luck moving through the days until it arrives.